Electricity 37: affordable housing program

Electricity 37: affordable housing program Housing Program
Electricity 37 Affordable Housing Program



  • How you can Contact the Electricity 37 Municipal Employees Housing Program

    (PDF format*)

  • Electricity

    37 Housing Program Q&A (PDF


  • 10

    steps to affordable housing (PDF format*)

  • Taller

    del MEHP para una situación financiera saludable

  • MELS

    and Mortgages: How union lawyers help

  • New york city Housing Connect (Housing Lotteries)


To see inspiring tales about people

who acquired new homes for their and themselves families with the Electricity 37 Municipal

Electricity 37: affordable housing program Readers to seeEmployees Housing Program, click


Protecting Members’ Legal rights

assist with mortgage issues, threat of property foreclosure or eviction, or any other

housing problems, click


Background and Links

  • 10 years of helping people fulfill their dreams

  • first

    Anniversary of Housing Program

  • Electricity

    37 launches new housing program

  • Housing

    fair hits homer


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District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 125 Barclay Street, New You are able to, NY 10007 Privacy

Policy Sitemap

Resourse: http://dc37.internet/about/services/
Electricity 37: affordable housing program fulfill their dreams         


3 Myths About Low Income Housing


Georgianna Grim: Frank, great information!  People don't realize that these properties can be paid off by your tenants payments for rent and you can then go and pull money back out of the property when the equity is high enough and invest in more property.  Section 8 is also a guarantee check every month from the government.

im1greatman: Building wealth off of people is this way is despicable.

Shayna Barbour: reiclub,I wish you were in my area now.I just got priced out.Your great,there needs to be more people like you! Affordable housing is much more productive than Pricing people out and creating more hardship and homelessness.

Jesse Wright: PREACH!

Kyra Ann: Wish this was in my area :/ can't seem to find anything still living at home and it's getting tough been looking for something for a while :/

DeniseG: Or just pray for mexican tenants. They're the best.

Rick Hodgkins: I am low-income, due to disabilities, which is why I'm on section 8 housing assistance. However, the vast majority of landlords that I know of that don't take section 8 housing, will tell you that people in section 8 are all terrible tennants whether disabled or not.

Epic Xeno: Y'all sound like plantation owners; not understanding that gov't contracts and gov't benefits are not property.  YOUR OBAMA CASH COW IS DRY; now what?

legalsolutions07: Frank,\nDoes Sec 8 pay the landlord fair market rents according to the city the house is located in? Any additional screening tips that you recommend that go beyond finding a full paying tenant? Have you found qualifying a home for Sec 8 is easy? Thank you.

David H.: Great information and presentation however, visit your optometrist and have your glasses tightened.